You are nature,
in human form,
not just a part of nature.
Born from the Great Mother
whose name you have forgotten
Engaging in the fall of a civilisation
As having been there already before
In cycles
Since eons
Rise and fall
Growth and decay
Birth and death
Cycle of life
Bits shift to the stars,
Bits remain as a testimony for your children
I’m with you, mother,
I embrace decay
I embrace transition
I embrace your loving wisdom,
and rigor
I embrace, anyhow you create space
For the new seed
A new, yet unknown paradigm
Out of the abundance of lifeforce and possibility
From the mindset of separation, it seems
We against your nature, trying to dominate, to impose our will on you.
And you against us, trying to wipe us from the planet with your mighty force
But we’re one, in diversity.
Our nature is change, as is yours
hence we are the change,
we change the landscape,
one way or the other
Cultures, civilizations, lifeforms
are not meant to be eternal
To be conserved
To be immortal
They are dance
They arise in the dream,
Then they disappear into another
Some are nightmares, some are divine bliss,
some are just a deep sleep, or a deep rest
We are creation and creatures of infinite imagination
I am prepared
for whatever might arise and emerge
from the depth of your very nature
Your lifeforce already took over
my whole existence
Collapsing to expand,
beyond physical boundaries
I’m utterly yours
I embrace whatever you manifest
From the core of your very nature
And those of my fellow humans in the dream,
in deep sleep,
in deep rest,
not yet aware they’re dreaming,
I know they’re safe in your hands,
no matter how deep the coma
no matter how rough the awakening
On your ever-changing, transient playground
You welcome
anyone falling and crashing on your very ground, shattering
With open arms
You are mother