Sometimes, it appears as the seconds of your life heading for their evaporation,then it feels like the life force pulsing vibrantly through every cell of your beingThe depth of the abyss meeting the peak of blissAnd a glimpse into nothingness and annihilation that feels like liberationBut you can’t get there, can’t get this There’s some… Continue reading Δ

Believe in yourself

The self needs reference points for defining itself, which it finds through imaginary separation: in you, the other, the world, the past, the future, in space – which are all concepts in the landscape of the mind. The self is the creation of an assumed past life experience and an imaginary future, seemingly operating as… Continue reading Believe in yourself


Longing will lead youTo your deepest desiresAnd darkest nightmaresMove you through a worldThat doesn’t existBut it’s so vivid Whenever you are closeThink you are thereFinallyYou got itThis is itNowIt will break youAgainAnd againAnd again When your hand reaches out to graspThis treasureAnd take itHomeIt reaches into nothingTo graspTo holdTo get Trying to take the stars… Continue reading Longing


With the shift, identity is gone.I remember, I was, I had many names, roots, origins. A life story, multi-dimensional.They all gave me apparent affiliation, and alienation, a longing for an imaginary way and place home. A deep longing for belonging, to a tribe, to something special, alien to this apparent world I didn’t understand, that… Continue reading ID


You walk through this door, and you are certain, there is a door, to get in, to get out, to get through. The path seemed so clear, what was clearly your soul, your spirit tribe, guided you, prepared you, since incarnations. You heard, you answered the call. It could not lead to any other place,… Continue reading Doorwall

On the Edge

There is a deep peaceful tiredness in your eyes, they’ve seen through a whole life. They tell about fear, abandonment, loss, hate, love, courage, joy, friendship, beauty, loneliness, longing. You know the end is near, but it dawns on you that you actually know nothing. This apparent next step, which appears to be cessation is… Continue reading On the Edge


It’s very dark, you cannot see, although your eyes are wide open.Some sublime terror is surrounding you.It’s the terror of death, your annihilation, the annihilation of everyone and everything that ever meant something to you. The stories that wrote your life, your past. The mirrors that reflected love, and you sometimes have chased this reflection… Continue reading Abyss

Fragment #4

Resurrection/Memory – It was an Easter Sunday or Monday in the second year of the new millennium when an experience, which phenomena are in some notions described as a “Kundalini awakening”, set me irreversibly on fire. That time of my beginning to mid-twenties has been utterly challenging. I have been some strange mixture between being… Continue reading Fragment #4