
You walk through this door, and you are certain, there is a door, to get in, to get out, to get through. The path seemed so clear, what was clearly your soul, your spirit tribe, guided you, prepared you, since incarnations. You heard, you answered the call. It could not lead to any other place,… Continue reading Doorwall

No escape from this

You cannot. Resist. Resist me. I see that you try. Try to defy. To not allow this deep, uncontrollable, subtle longing to take hold of you. That drives you directly towards me. That would drive you to surrender. Surrender something that is not fathomable for you. Unfathomably mesmerizing. Dominating. Beyond the stereotypical understanding of dominance.… Continue reading No escape from this


There is some heaviness looking through your eyes,How could it have come so far?How could you just have not seen it?Where does your surprise come from?It was always in sight, always close.You just didn’t dare to face it.Attached yourself to dreams and an imaginary futureHypnotized yourself into the illusion of free will and controlDriven by… Continue reading Momentum