Now, you fought that hard and yet you lost everything to me. Everything you ever believed in, everyone who ever believed in you, everything that ever meant anything to you, nothing separates us now. You thought with the right attitude and positive mindset nothing could happen to you and you could do anything. And now… Continue reading Meeting Point
Tag: liberation
A new world, neither of yesterday nor for the future. Only today it radiates upon me, tirelessly. Today is forever, nothing will ever separate me again, and nothing will ever be mine again. What at first seemed everlasting crumbled today at a stroke. Nothing can hold it, grasp it, understand it anymore. Hindsight blurs, the… Continue reading Section
You still remember your last breath. It was shallow, fairly typical of the life you look back on. Now you can’t go back and your very last breath is about to come – you feel it. Your body is withdrawing more and more from the machines that still keep it alive. Nothing will hold you… Continue reading Transition