What is thisBefore you attach a nameAnd meaningAnd purposeTo it Who are youBefore your name is spokenAnd featuresPropertiesAnd a storyAttached to you Who will you beWhen your name will be forgottenAnd the last one remembering your storyDead What is sensationWithout a labelAnd interpretationNot even rawNot even pure What is this prisonThis sufferingThat you want to… Continue reading ∅
Tag: freedom
This is it, plain, raw and unseeable: the emptiness of all things, as all things, thoughts, sensations, appearances – seamlessly emerging and dissolving. Nothing and no one is separate from itself, never has it been: always a seamless stream of what is happening, phantoms and shadows arising and disappearing. Can you remember the beginning of… Continue reading Abundance
Believe in yourself
The self needs reference points for defining itself, which it finds through imaginary separation: in you, the other, the world, the past, the future, in space – which are all concepts in the landscape of the mind. The self is the creation of an assumed past life experience and an imaginary future, seemingly operating as… Continue reading Believe in yourself
The silence is deceptive,You think you are there now,You got itYou have made your homeAnd the ground appears secure Time seems to have halted,Conserving this illusion of permanenceNowYour determination and intention are your currencyYou did the workYou paid the bills There has to be equilibrium You lean back and look into the futureFor the first… Continue reading Maculate
The Power of No
How many times have you bought with a Yesaffiliationbelongingattachment to a groupa tribeacknowledgmentValidation How often has your Yes been a false compromiseA fake agreementA lie to yourselfDelusionA self-hypnosisA dealBetrayal What was assumed to be freedomwas rather lived desire,rooted in need,addiction,survival You know the demons of No Which you encountered asneglectrejectiondenial Those demonsdrawing an imaginary linebetween… Continue reading The Power of No
Awakening from Freedom
Freedom…is – not. No such thing as freedom exist. It’s an idea, a dream, an imagination, a fairy tale. In modern culture, freedom is the greatest of all illusions, attached to something like free will, free choice, to do what one wants. to consume what one desires. Freedom means to be able to fulfill desire.… Continue reading Awakening from Freedom
Dark Nights of the Soul
This realm of numbness,your daily life,a vision of reality seen through veiled eyes.Dazzling colors of grey,faking a truth of joy and pleasure and happinessand purpose –while the dark nights are full of loneliness and desperation.You cry your blurred eyes out,tears of hope, wishful thinking, desire, dreams.Unseen, unknown, unshared.As dark as the night, as unseen and… Continue reading Dark Nights of the Soul
A piece of bliss
Your mind is confused, where did yesterday disappear to? Yesterday she was still there, warm and soft, and today everything is empty. No approval, no attention, no tenderness. Only oblivion. It’s not true anyway, you don’t know for a long time what to believe outside of what you’ve learned to think. Your world is an… Continue reading A piece of bliss
In between space time
Like a movie, the memories pass you by. What has just been is already gone, the moment seems unreal to you, transient, without grip, a life without hold. No space that seems permanent, flooded by time that takes away its form even before its structures can become solid. Your life in the meantime, in the… Continue reading In between space time