Only ever this

What’s going on? I don’t get it. Do I ever get it? This. I want to understand. I’m so close, I’m almost there. I feel it. Just this.I want to grasp it, touch it. Want to make it mine. So badly. Liberation. The end of suffering. Happiness. Joy. Illumination. My birthright. When did I lose… Continue reading Only ever this

Fragment #4

Resurrection/Memory – It was an Easter Sunday or Monday in the second year of the new millennium when an experience, which phenomena are in some notions described as a “Kundalini awakening”, set me irreversibly on fire. That time of my beginning to mid-twenties has been utterly challenging. I have been some strange mixture between being… Continue reading Fragment #4

Just a Visitor

Not from here, not from thereComing from nowhere,Never going anywhereEmerging from no ground,from anything into nothing,remains it finally unnamed. Never rooted here, never thereTransient motion and form,merging into volatile manifestation,a dissolving dream.I don’t belong anywhereAttachment teaches about pain,When transience changes and takes awayWhat became so familiar,surrender Sensation sparkling up for a second,all there is,to be… Continue reading Just a Visitor


Silence is swallowing meall words have been saidall stories have been toldnothing remainsa blank canvasready to be written on anewbutthere are no wordsto describe, to name, to fathomthe depth, the vastness, the emptinesswords cannot dive into this abysscannot delve into that otherworldlinessall left behindwhile “behind” has no correlation anymore there was the moment the last… Continue reading Silence

Dark Delight

There is beauty that will kill you.It’s determined to kill you.A beauty that will make you forgetEverything.Give upAll.It will deprive you of your dreams,Nightmares and sweet illusions.All you ever wanted to live for,feared to live for,It will leave youRaw. Naked. Vulnerable.There’s no approach to thisBeautyWhile you are disguised behind lies.The lies of belief.The lies of… Continue reading Dark Delight

The Dawn

Almost unbearable sensation of beauty,it seems like death has already happened,a past event from the future,eternal imagination.It was always – IStanding betweenvibrancy and life One may awaken through a nightmare,a kiss,an alarm clock,sunrays dancing on one’s face,falling out of the bed,the dawn of irrelevanceof time and space. The sharp line between inside and outsideblurs,dissolves,And I… Continue reading The Dawn

Gateway into the void

When the personal identity is facing the terrifying appearing shift into the unknown, ready to be taken into its abyss, ready to be transcended, leaving behind its familiar beliefs, a threat to the framed mind and physical existence, then sometimes even suicidal thoughts can temporary arise. The world seems to fall apart, and nothing seems… Continue reading Gateway into the void

Beyond gravity

All movement is turning into stillstandAnd stillness pervades all movementThis seems like the endBut no one to knowAnymore and ever again Looking back – from emergence into collapseBut there’s no starting pointAnd collapse seems just another word for emergence Where vibrancy is devouring all boundariesTurning itself into unbearable blissNo one survives

The Secret Of Magic

Throw life into the void,embrace the illusion of the dark abyss,become swallowedand encounter the deep mystic. Magic needs space to unfold,space to create, to manifest.Magic in a box becomes a grave of grief,a museum of the dead, stuck dreams,buried already in time. The very nature of magicis alchemy,revealing the photons held back by the imagined… Continue reading The Secret Of Magic