The self needs reference points for defining itself, which it finds through imaginary separation: in you, the other, the world, the past, the future, in space – which are all concepts in the landscape of the mind. The self is the creation of an assumed past life experience and an imaginary future, seemingly operating as… Continue reading Believe in yourself
Tag: belief
It should, shouldn’t it?
The lifestream doesn’t provide a home for ideas of what should and shouldn’t be. Those exist as mental fabrications, but immediate aliveness doesn’t manifest through the concept of should or shouldn’t. It doesn’t prefer birth over death, growth over decline, or health over disease. Aliveness isn’t an exclusive appearance of heavenly happiness, it encompasses devouring… Continue reading It should, shouldn’t it?
My confusion is so clear
“Knowledge is power” is a strong mantra in contemporary culture. It can instill confidence in an impermanent world, whether knowledge is based on science, religion, spirituality, or any other belief system. It seems to provide hope amidst the jungle of the unknown, offering apparent certainty, control, and predictability. “Knowledge” forms the foundation of rules, laws,… Continue reading My confusion is so clear