Face me!
I am a raging wildfire
blindly destroying.
Pain for pain, eye for an eye,
lethal revenge.
I am cold hatred, that will paralyse you
And freeze you to death,
Toxic lava, running through your veins,
that will roll over you,
scorch every inch of your skin,
of your mind
bury you, all of you
under furious fires

Ignore me, and I will slowly turn
into cancer
deep inside you,
And will eat you alive.
I am the war inside you,
suppressed and entombed,
Where it rottens and ripens
as the darkness of the nightmares of repression and oblivion
With distraction and pleasing
Pretending, being busy
you try to cover me up
But you cannot escape me
A deep coma
memory you try to forget
wrath smoldering deep inside
control through ignorance and suppression
While I am awake in your darkest abyss
Rising up, piercing every wound you almost forgot
Abuse sharply carved under your skin
Humiliation ingrained in your cells
DNA doesn’t forget
I am the genocide annihilating my whole tribe
I am the rape creating my children

I have forgotten myself
Just the burning
just the freezing
the pain
I cannot forget
I cannot forgive
Keeping me captivated,
Capturing you
Deadly alive