I am
This is me
Look, what I am
Above it all,
Above you all
The epitome of better, of more
Superior, completion
I know it, I know it all, really
I can tell you
Just follow me
Without a doubt in my greatness
My beauty
Nowhere to reach me,
No one can reach me.
I’m high, I’m so high
I’ll tell you, just listen
Don’t talk, don’t question.
Just worship me.

I am this. Absolute.
See me, can’t you see me? Can’t you hear me?
There’s a secret in me.
I’ll never tell you.
Absolute emptiness. It has no value.
Emptiness seeking attention, validation.
I claim ownership for what was merely given to me, borrowed.
Trading grace for pride
I am this.

I was not raised in the home of dignity and love
But in the house of scarcity
fed with rejection and neglect
I am needy
I have to be someone
I have to own
More than just enough – the embodiment of better, the best
This is my glory
In a space
without substance
Blown up
An illusion
I am
On top