Longing will lead you
To your deepest desires
And darkest nightmares
Move you through a world
That doesn’t exist
But it’s so vivid
Whenever you are close
Think you are there
You got it
This is it
It will break you
And again
And again
When your hand reaches out to grasp
This treasure
And take it
It reaches into nothing
To grasp
To hold
To get
Trying to take the stars from the sky
And own them
Make them yours
It will break you
While they are still sparkling
On the sky
The others
You were seeking all of your life
For completion
For communion
They don’t exist
Beyond your craving imagination
Looking to find love
In the eyes of an other
In the other
And the image fades
The mirror breaks
Every time
And again
And longing drives you further
Deeply into deserted lands
And their dazzling mirages
Where you get lost
More and more
This star, so close
The sun
Burning down
It feels merciless to you
But the sun just is
Ashes remain
Wind blowing it in all directions
Everything you were longing for
Ceases to exist
And never existed
And you
And now
Longing transforms
Into sublime gratitude
And love
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you