Just a Visitor

Not from here, not from there
Coming from nowhere,
Never going anywhere
Emerging from no ground,
from anything into nothing,
remains it finally unnamed.

Never rooted here, never there
Transient motion and form,
merging into volatile manifestation,
a dissolving dream.
I don’t belong anywhere
Attachment teaches about pain,
When transience changes and takes away
What became so familiar,

Sensation sparkling up for a second,
all there is,
to be swallowed by a tremendous vastness and undefined abundance,
bittersweet sensation for that one moment,
breath and pulse.
Amidst the chaos resides unrecognized order
Growth and decay
Rise and fall
Like clouds dissipating in a thunderstorm
releasing heavy rain to the earth
nurturing the soil.

You and you and you and you
This and this and this
This is it
Death has never been more profound, more present,
as while utterly alive in a body
I feel it, I sense it, I am it.
Sensation, perception
This is aliveness
nothing is separated from life
and in sheer vibrancy they merge,
death and life,
where does the one begin and the other end?
Together they are union.

Manifested as this temporary form,
allowing the terror and the bliss
Thriving beauty, peculiarly beautiful decay.

Tomorrow I will be gone
Without ever having been here
Or there

Yesterday has no beginning,
Tomorrow never ends
All hope is lost,
liberated from all significance,
confidence without any reason

In the endless stream,
All is in formation.