
The morning you woke up, the color of the sky was brightly irrelevant. Were there heavy clouds hanging in multiple shades of grey, was the sky of radiant blue: there was just this raw unfathomable vibrant beauty, directed towards your face, with curious and innocent eyes absorbing the reflection of a beauty that was revealed from within. Shining from out of a deep dark abyss with its buried battlefields, blood and tears and sweat-filled juices of life, into a peak of light, realms of ecstasy and wonder, magic and love, compassion and unity. A whole spectrum of vibrant existence. Love has pervaded the battlefields, absorbed the blood, tears and sweat, and distilled them into crystal clear waters.

You know this world but it’s new, you never have seen it before. Its innocence is purely enchanting, ever unseen, ever untouched. Its peculiar scratches are mere intriguing drawings, transiting into ever-changing shapes and patterns, soft and sharp, edgy and blurred. While you get lost in this mesmerizing sensation you find yourself as everything there is, dwelling in one source, spreading into the many, into diversity. You realize that from the very first moment of awareness you have always been beloved, never was there one unloved. It was the perception of separation that divided you from the other, making you incredibly craving for the imaginary other, for the projection of another you which faded away when you tried to grab hold of it. Your names were mother, father, brother, sister, friend, lover. In the dark nights behind the veil of separation, when your eyes and heart were closed and full of fear, and resistance became temporary persistence, your names were abuser, murderer, thief, liar, enemy.

You have never been the unloved, abandonment arose in the dream of separation, where you didn’t recognize yourself in the mirror and faced yourself as a foreign projection.

This morning the separation lines blurred and disappeared, dissolved as the clouds in a radiant blue sky, like fully sucked clouds raining down their grey heaviness to water the plants. You became the water and the plants, the sky and the clouds, and were captured by a vibrancy that doesn’t know any death anymore but an ongoing shapeshifting. Liberated from attachment, you gaze into an unknown new world, familiar but never seen before. The codes have irreversibly changed, and what you became expands into the boundlessness of existence.