Into the event horizon

Anything we hope for, fear or worry about has already happened, it’s just not yet on our event horizon. When we look into the stars we look into the past, millions of years ago. Our births have not yet happened where and when we look into this void, while in the imagined presence of such events our deaths have already occurred.

There’s no memory of both, birth and death, as it’s probably an experience of “singularity”, beyond the existence of (rational) mind. We’re both, dead and unborn while gazing into that vast appearing universe. In this present moment, there’s no death nor birth. Nothing can ever be fathomed by words. Words just describe what has already happened, what has never happened, they dwell in imagination.

“In between” these “singularities” the mind with the brain as its processor creates “realities” – a network of stories and storylines – between an imaginary past and future. “Reality” is according to the processing capability of the brain, of its range of (sensory) perception. What is manifested is what the brain/mind projects into “time” and “space” where it perceives and creates a sensation of separation and objectification between “I” and “you”, “me” and “the other”, “friend” and “foe”, “subject” and “object”, “here” and “there”, “now” and “then” etc..

What we “see” is not what is, but an interpretation of the mind, an interpretation of perception. Reality is according to the conditioning of the brain.

Reality is-not.