The conceptual world, usually mistaken for “reality”, is of huge fragmentation and everything is separated through names and affiliations from each other. This apparent world is not real, it exists just as an imaginary mind map – while the landscape just is. And it isn’t even a landscape because nothing can be seen, be traveled, be explored, be measured, be experienced.
The landscape is rather an undefined void but cannot be entered, there are no places, no directions, no paths, no realms. There exist various ideas about such mysterious land, but no idea ever is it. It’s maybe like the idea of dark matter, which is supposed to be contained in everything but cannot be seen nor measured, with no interaction with baryonic, “normal” matter, and no cause or effect.
All of this reality is assumption, and because some perceptions and ideas appear repetitive and can apparently be measured or calculated, the brain creates patterns out of it, and this becomes fathomed as the laws of nature in the idea of science, the holy grail of current “knowledge”. But science is of similar nature as religion, it is an evolved, contemporary concept of “reality”, and while religion was rather rooted in belief, faith and fear, science is more based on the patterns created through perception, observation, measuring and calculation, which results are then labeled as “facts”.
But actually, there’s nothing to know, to be ever known, outside this box of programmed and conditioned perception and interpretation. “Reality” is a box of naming, interpreting, judging and narrating, according to the programming of the brain. This human experience and reality are tied to the brain’s processing. You cannot get out of your mind, even if there’s some sensation you’d name as “expanding consciousness”, “mystical experience”, or “enlightenment”; it’s still “inside the box”, just the boundaries of perception and interpretation have expanded their spectrum.

The brain simultaneously perceives and projects what it processes. The idea of cause and effect, from a beginning developing to an end, is rather perception and interpretation than “reality”, and is the foundation on which narratives in the imaginary time and space are created.
This whole “reality” is emerging subconsciously, it is memory in a box, it is history in a box. It couldn’t even be known for sure if anything has ever happened “for real”. It might be collectively shared information, although collective has no meaning when the individual, as part of the division into subject and object, is also a product of the brain’s perception and processing. Gathered information travels through the nervous system and subtle bodies and creates various sensations. The nervous system is very delicate and can be imprinted just through the subconscious mind, without even having any personal experience. What is considered to be individual is likely part of some interconnected network in continuous exchange. Subliminal messages are able to imprint the system, but also hypnosis and all kinds of manipulation. Whole virtual realities and social networks are based on these mechanisms that make the unreal appear real. And to have a highly “real” experience it’s quite important to develop a profound attachment to the avatar and identify with perception, sensation and interpretation, the narrative and memory. It’s from now/here, where the assumed past becomes narrated. It doesn’t exist, it’s rather a feature of programmed memory.
No one identified as a separated individual in a seemingly objective world can ever get out of or beyond “the box”. With the “brain shift”, about the futility of escaping or transcending “the box”. The great mystery, the great wonder that reveals itself – without ever being able to fathom or understand – likely is “the box” – the dream.