Instant #0

There is a space where I don’t exist,I am lost.I can’t go there, no-one can go thereJust nowhere to enterNo matter how deeply I search,No matter how deeply I crave,No matter I,I am not.I, falling apart,I did not vanish,I did never existI am dreamt existence.Dreaming in lucidity,Dwelling in shapes like made of fluid, colored glass,Gazing… Continue reading Instant #0

Beyond gravity

All movement is turning into stillstandAnd stillness pervades all movementThis seems like the endBut no one to knowAnymore and ever again Looking back – from emergence into collapseBut there’s no starting pointAnd collapse seems just another word for emergence Where vibrancy is devouring all boundariesTurning itself into unbearable blissNo one survives


The way down leads past the buried dreams of glistening skies and disturbing hells. The look back is friendly, without remorse, without regret, without melancholy. Light is flooding the way down, it is the same upward. There is no longer a path and down and up lose their orientation. Only a vibrant rhythm, a vital… Continue reading Levitation


Calm and sober are you sitting here, still bewildered, gazing into the luminous abyss. Once upon a time, dark figures sat and waited to cast their shadows into space and time to chase more shadows. Sometimes they would overcome and multiply violently. Now there is nothing left, only boundless-meaningless emptiness that reaches into you. At… Continue reading Untitled


A new world, neither of yesterday nor for the future. Only today it radiates upon me, tirelessly. Today is forever, nothing will ever separate me again, and nothing will ever be mine again. What at first seemed everlasting crumbled today at a stroke. Nothing can hold it, grasp it, understand it anymore. Hindsight blurs, the… Continue reading Section


Airless space it seems, and yet it breathes softly, gently. A light breeze penetrates but does not disturb the emptiness. Bringing with it stories from a seemingly different dimension, I listen. The scent of a world spreads out, in which everything revolves around itself, turns and spins, and dizziness. The impression is strong and the… Continue reading Dreamlike