The End

This is the last day I see youAnd I have never seen you beforeYour reflection, sometimes light, sometimes shadow,It was always reflecting mirrors,We never metThis is the last day of youThe last day of me The world has endedit never formedA relict, that was never aliveBut vivid memoryAnd imaginationIn which we were phantoms,Seeking, chasing each… Continue reading The End


This pure expression of vibrancydoesn’t careif its beauty is recognizedWhen there’s no ideahow it has to beThere’s justAlivenessPervading No name,no notionthat can meet itIt needs no validationto be,no reasonno goal It needs nothing to be everything. When you feel touched,there might be a sensation,like joyA bittersweet melancholyAn open, vibrating heart.Pulsation. Some sensationsyou might not likelike… Continue reading eMinor


The heaviness will turn into lightness,leaving the narrow system of identity.attachment to the feeling will dissolve slowlyLiberation from the story,and those feelings become thendelicious,a source of intensity and creativity, of diving deeply without drowning.intensely alive with whatever does expressand all the colors are perceived and experienced with – sometimes bizarre – delightas they already start… Continue reading Passing


I’m losing itForgot my nameMy rootsThe causeWhere did it all start?Where do I begin?When what whyBelongBecome Birth, a mother’s memory, long goneDeath, dissolution that has already happenedA story, that already ended while it is toldThis present moment is ever a relic Forever chased, forever left behindFutile attempts to grasp itBut it does not existA phantom… Continue reading Annihilation


They appear as given direction and orderWhat you areHave to becomeWhat this world you barely know – except what you read, learned, and were told about –Is You are looking for your place to bePurpose and meaningSeeking what this is all aboutWhat they told youThese voices in your headNamed father, mother, teacher, masterGod and devilDemons… Continue reading Drowning

The Promised Land

I promiseIt will, be, you will beIt is waiting for you, to be foundTreasure Island The sourceLook withinThe pathTo liberationYou will be free, you will be yourselfTrue It is not yet, not hereFollowBeyond you’ll find meWithin you’ll find yourselfI am itI amI am thatNot thatNot yet But ahead, the new ageSo close, to completionBecoming one… Continue reading The Promised Land

Instant #4

What about todayWhen there is no tomorrowTime leaves youYou are leftBehind, while there is nothing aheadMemory, bittersweetEmerging from a maelstrom, getting absorbed by a voidTears of grief, tears of joyAliveness invades, kills what you believed to be true, realSpacetime loses its coordinatesYou loseYou are lost Alive


Logic is a method of cognition, a method to look at information and process it, a function the brain provides. It has nothing to do with “reality” or “truth”. but is rather part of creating/processing “reality”, based on causal perception and interpretation. Reality is a paradox. It is and is not. It’s a product of… Continue reading Logic