Sometimes I wonderIf I just have to endure itThat, what temporarily appears unbearable, hopelessAnd that the idea, any other way could be betterIs just an illusion And sometimes I’d just like to escape, run away, disappear From what appears,Be it called memory, emotion, realityYou, me, the other, the worldThisWhat is I want it better Thirsty… Continue reading Just be (better)
Author: sim1
No-one knows
There is a phantomCalled no-oneI am thisNo-oneknowsAnything and nothingCan be known
Liberation for no-one
The idea of enlightenment often comes with the expectation of liberation and healing from all kinds of human suffering, be it trauma, sickness, grief, or loss. It doesn’t. Enlightenment doesn’t happen to someone; rather, the “person” disappears and is seen for what it is: a fictional character based on memory, conditioning, and belief. “I am”… Continue reading Liberation for no-one
It should, shouldn’t it?
The lifestream doesn’t provide a home for ideas of what should and shouldn’t be. Those exist as mental fabrications, but immediate aliveness doesn’t manifest through the concept of should or shouldn’t. It doesn’t prefer birth over death, growth over decline, or health over disease. Aliveness isn’t an exclusive appearance of heavenly happiness, it encompasses devouring… Continue reading It should, shouldn’t it?
Gazing into at out ofThisIt islostAlreadyI amLostIn thisSeems like depthSeems like a patternBut it has no coordinatesNo lines, no edgesRecognizing the unknownNothing moreIt cannotgraspBeGraspedBecome Is it?
My confusion is so clear
“Knowledge is power” is a strong mantra in contemporary culture. It can instill confidence in an impermanent world, whether knowledge is based on science, religion, spirituality, or any other belief system. It seems to provide hope amidst the jungle of the unknown, offering apparent certainty, control, and predictability. “Knowledge” forms the foundation of rules, laws,… Continue reading My confusion is so clear
Death Sentence
Death is one of the most feared ideas among human life forms.It seems to be the end of life, the ultimate loss, annihilation.To utilize and deal with this fear, a lot of beliefs were created, some to comfort, others seemingly to exercise control. But life cannot die. It goes on and on and on, changes… Continue reading Death Sentence
Defeat me
It is dark in your cave,Your breath is shallowYou don’t allow yourself this alivenessRaw, fragile, vulnerable and unfilteredYou try to separate yourselfInto imaginary purposeTo give this some meaningAnd a dream that has to be fulfilled but it’s futile The lies of the selfThat you believeThat seem to make the pain more bearable They are also… Continue reading Defeat me
The silence is deceptive,You think you are there now,You got itYou have made your homeAnd the ground appears secure Time seems to have halted,Conserving this illusion of permanenceNowYour determination and intention are your currencyYou did the workYou paid the bills There has to be equilibrium You lean back and look into the futureFor the first… Continue reading Maculate
Longing will lead youTo your deepest desiresAnd darkest nightmaresMove you through a worldThat doesn’t existBut it’s so vivid Whenever you are closeThink you are thereFinallyYou got itThis is itNowIt will break youAgainAnd againAnd again When your hand reaches out to graspThis treasureAnd take itHomeIt reaches into nothingTo graspTo holdTo get Trying to take the stars… Continue reading Longing