There is some heaviness looking through your eyes,
How could it have come so far?
How could you just have not seen it?
Where does your surprise come from?
It was always in sight, always close.
You just didn’t dare to face it.
Attached yourself to dreams and an imaginary future
Hypnotized yourself into the illusion of free will and control
Driven by desire, to escape fear
You rejected your greatest ally, tried to exclude me from every step you made, from every decision you took.
You’ve built a wall around you,
Locked yourself into a prison of false security, at the cost of vibrancy
A prison of fear of change and the unknown,
A prison of false compromises, of false pleasing, of false submission, of false control.
All of your energy went into keeping the illusion alive, into building sandcastles, vulnerable to the waves of the ocean.
Now you encounter the inevitable.
Overwhelming impermanence.
Nothing remains.
Nothing is yours.
Nothing is you.
The world is on fire,
Burning transience.
Tears in your eyes,
memory you dare not to let go
As they are the very framework of your fabricated identity
Kept you imprisoned in a past life memory,
always focused on an imaginary, tightly scheduled future
In which you exist in a loop of doing it better,
and better, and better
Afraid of dying into the unknown, now
A void that has no name, nothing to hold on
Except for its raw presence
And now you face how the inherently volatile finds its death
Which seems like destruction to you
The end
Unbearable pain and fear
Of losing attachment, hold, the story of your life
You had dreams
Some realized, some failed, some still a hope
While you see the fires around you
Emerging out of Pandora’s opened box
Unleashed, beyond control
You’ve attached your home to an idea,
An external imaginary place with walls, that limit, separate, imprison you into the idea of security
Your home is named race, tribe, country, planet, belief
And now your house is burning
And with it all its interior.
Shattered, you look into the flames that are turning all into smoke in front of your eyes
All that appeared to be solid and of substance
Turns into ashes
And while fear, panic and terror almost seem to kill you
You let go
You sacrifice
You give up resistance
to what is greater than you
You let impermanence become your home
Surrender all that inherently carries the signature of death to the stream of transience
Rising from the ashes
Nurturing the soil
Foundation of growth and decay